The Federal Reserve is a mysterious entity with a misleading name. Many people believe it is a branch of government but few understand it’s a private entity that’s neither federal nor has any reserves.
In this fantastic video uploaded to Youtube, Taylor from Pulse Gains, breaks down the history of the federal reserve and how the system is working against us.
The video begins with a clip from Alan Greenspan where he explains the federal reserve has no oversight, meaning no government entity can overturn any of its decisions. This is a really crazy idea if you really think about it. As American’s there is no recourse against the fed’s policies, especially its endless money printing.
Inflation is the price we pay for the fraud of money printing. And this means our time is being stolen from us. The less our money is worth the more we must work for the same quality of life. This is theft and fraud and unacceptable.
Truly an amazing video, I hope you enjoy!